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Surveys & Reports

Because your peace of mind is paramount

The Building Survey comprises the inspection of the construction and services of a property, allowing the surveyor to advise the client on the current condition of the property and any likely future problems that may occur.

This is more than a simple list of defects. It is also an investigation of elements where possible defects may exist, as well as standard testing of components that may initially appear sound.

The special needs of the client should be considered together with the use to which the building will be put.

The Building Survey aims to:

  • Help you make a reasoned and informed decision when purchasing the property, or when planning repairs, maintenance or upgrading a property;
  • Provide detailed advice on condition;
  • Describe the identifiable risk of potential or hidden defects;
  • Where practicable and agreed, provide an estimate of costs for identified repairs;
  • Make recommendations as to any further actions or advice which need to be obtained before committing to purchase.

Arranging your own survey is the simple, cost-effective way to avoid unpleasant – and perhaps expensive – surprises after moving in. In some cases, the surveyor’s report may allow you to renegotiate the price of the property.

Only when you have all this information before you will you be fully equipped to make a reasoned and informed judgement on whether or not to proceed with the purchase.